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The association’s fields of interest include:

Ø Access to public information realized through collaboration with various state institutions.

Ø Decisional transparency

Ø Fighting corruption, abuse, and discrimination

Ø Protection of freedom of speech

Ø Promoting equality

Ø Protection of people with disabilities

Ø Fields of national and public interest

Ø Risk factors for the youth (drugs, human trafficking, violence in schools and families, alcohol, etc.)

Ø Labor relations between employees and employers and between the latter and the control authorities.

Ø Ensuring direct contact with state institutions and national/international organizations in order to exchange information, know-how and to have common projects.



      The National Association against Corruption, Abuse, and for Human Rights main purpose is to implement non-discrimination and equality between Romanian citizenry principles, statutory in the Romanian Constitution and in the national/international law. A.N.I.C.A.D.O. is exercising responsibilities in an independent way, without being restricted or influenced by other institutions or public authorities.



In order to fulfill the objectives, A.N.I.C.A.D.O. has the following duties:

Ø Bringing law into notice, to the citizenry, in order to conform national legislation with the international one, regarding fields like fighting discrimination, abuse and corruption;

Ø Proposes special measures for protection of under-privileged people, according the law, people who are in an un-equality situation relating the majority of the population, or, because of their origin, handicap, they meet rejection behaviors from others;

Ø Works together with public authorities, for the fitting in of international standard specifications within the national legislation, regarding abuse, corruption and discrimination;

Ø Contributes to prevention, sanction and erase of discrimination, abuse and corruption, together with public authorities and judiciary persons;

Ø Drafts studies in judiciary law field;

Ø Issues publications;

Ø Follows implementation and compliance with regulations regarding prevention, execution and dismissing of all kind of discrimination by the public authorities and judiciary persons;

Ø Receives intimations concerning regulations regarding equality law and non discrimination by the public authorities and judiciary persons, analyze them and takes necessary measures depending on each case;

Ø Proposes debates with public authorities, NGO’s and unions acting in human rights field, in prevention of discrimination, abuse and corruption;

Ø Works together with other NGO’s in the defending human rights field.



      A.N.I.C.A.D.O. has the goal to implement projects for human rights awareness in addition to identifying local issues and giving advices regarding ways of settlements.



      In order to have a good work relation with European Union institutions, A.N.I.C.A.D.O. adhered to European Movement, Romanian section with Prof. Conf. Dr. Corneliu Zeana being one of the members of the board.



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